WWF King of the Ring, June 29th, 1998

Hell in a Cell match: Undertaker VS Mankind
Mankind makes his way to the ring and wastes no time. He takes a steel chair and climbs the Hell in a Cell and waits for the Undertaker. The Lord of Darkness clibs the cage as well and the two start fighting on the top of the Hell in a Cell. Mankind uses the chair to his advantage, hitting the Undertaker many times. He even tries a double arm DDT on the chair but the Undertaker fights back and he suddenly throws Mankind off the Hell in a Cell all the way through the Spanish announce table ! That was sick ! Mankind is laying like a carpet on the floor as the Undertaker looks down. Mankind's friend Terry Funk along with many referees go check on him. The Hell in a Cell starts raising up with the Undertaker still on top. The EMT's bring a stretcher and put Mankind on it. The cage is then lowered and the Undertaker gets back on the floor. Suddenly Mankind gets out of his stretcher and pushes everyone away, and to everybody's surprise, he climbs back the cage, and so is the Undertaker ! Back on top, the Undertaker wastes no time and chokeslams Mankind through the cage ! Mick Foley looks dead ! The officials check on him again in the ring. The Undertaker jumps in the ring and chases everybody. He even chokeslams Terry Funk ! The Dead Man continues to work on Mankind, smashing the ring stairs on his head. Back in the ring somehow, Mankind turns the table and manages to give the Undertaker a piledriver on the chair ! He then takes a bag from under the ring full of thumbtacks ! He throws them on the mat and tries to put the Undertaker on them, but the man from the Dark side counters and puts Mick Foley on his shoulders and just drops him on the thumbtacks ! And if that wasn't enough, he gives him a huge Chokeslam on them ! Mankind is screaming in pain with thumbtacks all over him. Then the Undertaker puts an end to the match when he gives Mankind the Tombstone Piledriver for the 3-count. The EMT's and WWF officials help Mankind to get up and leave the ring full of thumbtacks and blood. The crowd give Mick Foley the standing ovation he deserves after this unbelievable match that made him famous !
 That match was just crazy ! Mick Foley gave everything he had and he earned everyone's respect after that match. But there are two things I didn't like about that match. The first thing is that there was absolutely no coordination in the match. I mean one time they are fighting on the top and suddenly Undertaker throws Mankind ! Or later, they are fighting again and out of nowhere Mankind gets chokeslamed ! That's something that has been improved through the years. The second thing is the fans' reaction. When Mick gets thrown off, the crowd's reaction is not good enough. I mean that they acted like it was just a little spectacular move when it's not the case at all. Mick falls down 16 feet high ! That's just a small detail I know, but I wanted to mention it anyway. The WWE did a great job for a 1998 match. Just think about it, just imagine that match now in 2002. Just how crazy it could have been ...