Wrestler of the year
Winner: Brock Lesnar
Runners-up: Rob Van Dam, Triple H, Undertaker
2001 winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Diva of the year
Winner: Trish Stratus
Runners-up: Stephanie McMahon, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson
2001 winner: Lita
Tag Team of the year
Winners: Billy & Chuck
Runners-up: Booker T & Goldust, 3-Minute Warning, Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
2001 winners: Dudley Boyz
Rookie of the year
Winner: Maven
Runners-up: Christopher Nowinski, Nidia, Taylor Matheny (Tough Enough 1 finalist)
2001 winner: Randy Orton
Face of the year (most popular)
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Runners-up: Hulk Hogan, Booker T, The Rock
2001 winner: Rob Van Dam
Heel of the year (most hated)
Winner: Chris Jericho
Runners-up: The Un-Americans, Kurt Angle, Triple H
2001 winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Most improved wrestler of the year
Winner: Brock Lesnar
Runners-up: Trish Stratus, Jamie Noble, Maven
2001 winner: Edge
Most inspirational wrestler of the year
Winner: Eddie Guerrero
Runners-up: Hulk Hogan, Charlie Haas, Chris Benoit
2001 winner: Kurt Angle
Comeback of the year
Winner: Hulk Hogan
Runners-up: Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Ron Killings (NWA-TNA)
2001 winner: Rob Van Dam
Feud of the year
Winner: Eric Bischoff vs Stephanie McMahon
Runners-up: Kurt Angle vs Edge, Triple H vs Stephanie McMahon, Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus
2001 winner: Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon
Match of the year
Winner: The Rock vs Hulk Hogan (WM X-8)
Runners-up: Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (SummerSlam), Edge & Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit (No Mercy), Eddie Guerrero vs Rob Van Dam (RAW May 27th)
2001 winner: Edge & Christian vs Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boys (TLC II)
Theme of the year
Winner: Rey Mysterio (619)
Runners-up: Trish Stratus (Keys To The City), 3-Minute Warning (3 Minutes), Eric Bischoff (I'm Back)
2001 winner: Edge (Never Gonna Stop)
Finishing move of the year
Winner: F-5 (Brock Lesnar)
Runners-up: Sit-Down Powerbomb (Batista), Test Drive (Test), Big Samoan Drop (Jamal)
2001 winner: Five-Star Frogsplash (Rob Van Dam)

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