The show begins with a footage of the previous week showing Vince McMahon firing Shawn Michaels as the WWF commissioner. Vince comes out to the ring with the Corporation. He tells the fans that Shawn Michaels won't be here tonight. Minutes later we see HBK on the Titantron making his way to the stage. HBK arrives to the stage and tells Vince that he has brought the cavalry with him, and out comes D-Generation-X! Then Shawn tells Vince and the people that on the contract Vince gave him, it says that HBK cannot be fired by no one. The only way that Shawn Michaels cannot be the commissioner is that if he resigns but he tells Vince that this ain't going to happen! Shawn then shows footage from a few weeks ago at the 1999 Royal Rumble draft. Vince McMahon, who was going to be part of the Rumble that year, picked #30. HBK informed Vince that Stone Cold is #1, and that now Vince McMahon is #2! And finally Shawn told Vince that later tonight he's going to get a surprise that is going to drive him 'Stone Cold crazy'!
Later that night, Mankind makes his way to the ring. He tells Vince that after beating up Shane 2 weeks ago, he deserves a shot at the WWF championship at the Royal Rumble against The Rock. Vince came out and declined Mankind's demand. He told him however he could have a chance to enter the Royal Rumble if he beats Triple H tonight in a match in which Shane would be the referee. Vince told Mankind to have a nice day!
Mankind's match with Triple H ended up when the DX leader rolled up Mankind and Shane made a very fast count. Triple H then took the mic and told Mick that business is business and then he whished him happy new year. Right after he Pedigreed Shane and told Mick that he's all his! Mankind put Shane in a submission move and asked Vince for a title shot tonight with no DQ. Vince had no choice but to accept.
Then, the match...
No DQ match for the WWF Championship: Mankind VS The Rock
Mankind made his way to the ring with DX with him. The Rock of course had the Corporation at ringside. At the early going, the Corporation attacked Mankind but The Rock told them he'll do it. Dominating, The Rock hit Mankind on the head with the ring stairs. Later, the Corporate Champ took Michael Cole's headphones off and started talking as he always used to do. However Mankind hit The Rock back and then took the headphones! A few seconds later, The Rock nailed Mick with the ring bell and then gave him the Rock Bottom on the announcers' table! Back in the ring, The Rock hit Mankind with the most electrifying move, the Corporate Elbow but Mick kicked out! Ken Shamrock gave The Rock his WWF title and hit Mankind with it. He then pinned him but he kicked out again! Rock was going to hit him again but Mankind ducked and punched The Rock who dropped the title. Mankind hit the Double Arm DDT on the belt and pinned the Champ only to get a two-count.
Mankind then pulled out Mr. Socko off his pants and gave The Rock the Mandible Claw! Rock was about to give up when Ken Shamrock hit Mick with a chair from behind. Billy Gunn, who was feuding with Shamrock at that time, jumped in the ring and hit him. The Rock and Mankind were laying out in the ring. It didn't took long for the Corporation and DX to fight outside the ring and when nobody expected... GLASS SHATTERS! Stone Cold's music hit and out comes the Rattlesnake. The Rock was slowly getting up when Austin slides to the ring, gets the chair and smashes The Rock's head. Austin then pulls Mankind on The Rock, the referee counts, 1... 2... 3! We have a new champion! Mankind has achieved his dream, winning what every other superstar wants to win, thanks to Stone Cold Steve Austin! Austin then threw his hat on Vince who was very angry and pissed outside the ring while DX and Mankind were celebrating in the ring. Mankind then took the mic and said: "Hey Vince, I gotta tell you: this feels pretty damn good!" From that day on, Mick Foley will simply be known as WWF Champion!
 In my view, that was one of the best matches in the history of Raw. It was P-P-V caliber and more real. By saying more real I mean that when Mankind got hit by the ring bell or by the championship belt, or when The Rock was hit by Austin with the chair, they didn't put their hands to protect themselves at ALL. Unlike now in 2002, the shots to the head are so fake. Back then it was way better. Also the fact that everyone forgot about the 'Stone Cold surprise' made the match an incredible match. No one had seen Austin coming. Every time I watch that match I have an incredible feeling when I hear Austin's music hit and the crowd going crazy after Earl Hebner made the 3-count. That match, when Mick Foley won the WWF title for the first time, will never be forgotten.

Have a nice day ! |